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There once lived a king who, despite living a luxurious life, was neither happy nor content.

One day, the king came upon a common peasant who was singing happily while he worked.

The happiness of a common peasant fascinated the king.

Why was the ruler of the land with all the luxuries, unhappy and gloomy, while a lowly peasant had so much joy in his life?

So the king asked the man, "why are you so happy?"

The man replied, "Your Majesty, I am a common man, but my family and I don't need much,

"Just warm food to fill us and a roof over our heads."

Dissatisfied with the man's answer, the king sought the advice of one of his trusted advisors.

The advisor said, "Your Majesty, I believe that the man has not yet been made part of the 99 club."

"The 99 club, what is that?", inquired the king.

"Your Majesty, to understand the 99 club, you first need to place 99 gold coins in a bag and leave it on the man's doorstep."

After a tiring day working in the fields, the peasant was returning back to his house when he saw a bag on this doorstep.

He took the bag into the house and opened it, letting out a cry of joy as he discovered that the bag was filled with gold coins.

After counting several times, he was convinced that there were 99 coins.

He wondered, "where in the world is that gold coin? No one would leave just 99 coins!"

He looked everywhere he could, but he did not find the 100th coin.

After a while, he was exhausted and decided that he was going to work harder than ever, earn that gold coin and complete his collection with the 100th coin.

It was from that moment that the peasant man's life changed forever.

He overworked and turned grumpy.

He scolded his family for not helping him find the 100th coin.

He stopped singing while he worked, soon after the light waned on him.

The king witnessed the drastic transformation in the man and was profoundly confused.

He asked the advisor why the man wasn't happy and satisfied anymore.

The advisor replied, "Your Majesty, the man is now a member of the 99 Club".

He continued, "The 99 Club are those people who have enough to be happy, but are not content,

...because they've always striving for the extra one telling themselves, 'I will be happy if I get that final thing in my life!'"

We can be happy and content with a little in our lives.

The minute desire to get bigger and better overpower.

We forgot to appreciate what we already have and enter the world of discontent and unhappiness.

We lose our sleep and our happiness.

We distance ourselves with the people we love while striving for better.

Lack of content is what THE 99 CLUB is all about.

Be content and Happy with whatever you have. Others haven't got what you have.

Stay blessed.


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