Date: FRIDAY JANUARY 11, 2019
Text: Read: 1 Kings 3:24-27
Daily Bible Study: Genesis 26-27; Psalm 11.
But the other said, let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide it (1 Kgs. 3:26).
Our Bible text today conveys a popular biblical account that brings to mind one of the wise judgments King Solomon gave in his days. Both mothers were harlots and it turned out that one felt if my child does not live, yours should not live also. We are always quick to pass judgment on the wicked harlot, but this is sadly how most humans today think and act towards others.
This story also describes what happens in homes, business ventures, workplaces, neighbourhoods and sadly, the church. Many marriages are on the rocks because one or both partners believe that if an argument does not go their way, there would be no resolution. Church denominations are breaking up more often these days because particular persons want things to either be done their way or no way else. Many businesses and work places are going though strained relationships because no one wants to bend for the other. Cases like these are not different from that of the harlot in our text who wanted both babies dead, rather than give the living baby to the right mother.
How is your relationship with the people you work and associate with? Is it strained because of your ego, selfishness, pride and by your my-way-only attitude? Christ will not hold you guiltless if your attitude helped in destroying the love in His congregation. Learn to submit yourself to the dictates of the Holy Spirit and be ready to play the fool for Christs sake.
Prayer: Dear LORD, please help me to promote love and peaceful coexistence anywhere I find myself; in Jesus name I pray Amen.
(From The Voice of Christ Today, 2019 Edition Daily Inspiration for Personal and Family Devotion, page 11. A Publication of The World International Sacred Peace Movement)
Date: FRIDAY JANUARY 11, 2019
Text: Read: 1 Kings 3:24-27
Daily Bible Study: Genesis 26-27; Psalm 11.
But the other said, let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide it (1 Kgs. 3:26).
Our Bible text today conveys a popular biblical account that brings to mind one of the wise judgments King Solomon gave in his days. Both mothers were harlots and it turned out that one felt if my child does not live, yours should not live also. We are always quick to pass judgment on the wicked harlot, but this is sadly how most humans today think and act towards others.
This story also describes what happens in homes, business ventures, workplaces, neighbourhoods and sadly, the church. Many marriages are on the rocks because one or both partners believe that if an argument does not go their way, there would be no resolution. Church denominations are breaking up more often these days because particular persons want things to either be done their way or no way else. Many businesses and work places are going though strained relationships because no one wants to bend for the other. Cases like these are not different from that of the harlot in our text who wanted both babies dead, rather than give the living baby to the right mother.
How is your relationship with the people you work and associate with? Is it strained because of your ego, selfishness, pride and by your my-way-only attitude? Christ will not hold you guiltless if your attitude helped in destroying the love in His congregation. Learn to submit yourself to the dictates of the Holy Spirit and be ready to play the fool for Christs sake.
Prayer: Dear LORD, please help me to promote love and peaceful coexistence anywhere I find myself; in Jesus name I pray Amen.
(From The Voice of Christ Today, 2019 Edition Daily Inspiration for Personal and Family Devotion, page 11. A Publication of The World International Sacred Peace Movement)
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