Good morning Beloved Brethren,
Text: Read: Colossians 3:18
Daily Bible Study: Genesis 11-12; Psalm 5.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as in the Lord (Col. 3:18).
The union of a man and a woman in marriage is a mystery God Himself instituted in the Garden of Eden, and till date, is one of the most fought unions by Satan and his cohorts. Gods intension for the woman is to be a help meet suitable helper, to complement the mans effort in the home. Marriage was meant to be a holy estate, a means of procreation and expansion of humanity in line with Gods plan and purpose for man.
When a pupil submits his assignment booklet to his/her teacher, he/she leaves it at the mercy of the teacher who is also expected to handle the booklet with all sense of care and protection. Same applies to a woman in submission to her husband in marriage. The husband is to handle her with love and care when she humbly submits herself to him. Sadly, this is not the case in most homes.
Many homes are undergoing hard times due to insubordination, insensitivity and lack of role play by the wives. This causes friction between the husband and wife, resulting in constant quarrelling, fighting, aggressive behaviour, a dysfunctional family and in some cases home breakage. When couples divorce, the children are torn apart, they become uncoordinated and a great disharmony sets into that family and the society at large.
A Christian home should be an example of Gods purpose for marriage for the world to emulate. Let the wives be submissive to their husbands in the Lord and not in evil and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit at all times.
Prayer: LORD God Almighty, help me to always remain in submission to Your will in my home and every area of my life, I pray in Christs name Amen.
(From The Voice of Christ Today, 2019 Edition Daily Inspiration for Personal and Family Devotion, page 5. A Publication of The World International Sacred Peace Movement)
Good morning Beloved Brethren,
Text: Read: Colossians 3:18
Daily Bible Study: Genesis 11-12; Psalm 5.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as in the Lord (Col. 3:18).
The union of a man and a woman in marriage is a mystery God Himself instituted in the Garden of Eden, and till date, is one of the most fought unions by Satan and his cohorts. Gods intension for the woman is to be a help meet suitable helper, to complement the mans effort in the home. Marriage was meant to be a holy estate, a means of procreation and expansion of humanity in line with Gods plan and purpose for man.
When a pupil submits his assignment booklet to his/her teacher, he/she leaves it at the mercy of the teacher who is also expected to handle the booklet with all sense of care and protection. Same applies to a woman in submission to her husband in marriage. The husband is to handle her with love and care when she humbly submits herself to him. Sadly, this is not the case in most homes.
Many homes are undergoing hard times due to insubordination, insensitivity and lack of role play by the wives. This causes friction between the husband and wife, resulting in constant quarrelling, fighting, aggressive behaviour, a dysfunctional family and in some cases home breakage. When couples divorce, the children are torn apart, they become uncoordinated and a great disharmony sets into that family and the society at large.
A Christian home should be an example of Gods purpose for marriage for the world to emulate. Let the wives be submissive to their husbands in the Lord and not in evil and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit at all times.
Prayer: LORD God Almighty, help me to always remain in submission to Your will in my home and every area of my life, I pray in Christs name Amen.
(From The Voice of Christ Today, 2019 Edition Daily Inspiration for Personal and Family Devotion, page 5. A Publication of The World International Sacred Peace Movement)
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